Just posted the first chapter of zero hope i'v had the idea for thks book forever and hope you like it please i love to know what you love and hate about it to post more often i need to find a person who willing to edit for me cuz i can spell thank for reading
Just posted the first chapter of zero hope i'v had the idea for thks book forever and hope you like it please i love to know what you love and hate about it to post more often i need to find a person who willing to edit for me cuz i can spell thank for reading
I just relized how much editing eyes is going to take to fix. Curse you younger self and your inability to right. Well im going to probly take it down for the mean time and some day put it back up so yay. Im also starting two knew books. Your probly like wait Griffen-chan you can eight one store and keep it update how are you going to write two. Well your right im traping my self in insanity. With unff suport I might get up and work on all 3 but give me your feed back on what i should do with yes