
I'm going to post really bad poetry because I need somewhere to post it and it's going to be here. Sorry that you're going to get those notifications. I really hope that someone at least bothers reading it, that would really make my day. End of notice.


I'm going to post really bad poetry because I need somewhere to post it and it's going to be here. Sorry that you're going to get those notifications. I really hope that someone at least bothers reading it, that would really make my day. End of notice.


So if you're following me, you know that I rarely post anything. Well, that's because I've lost my drive to write, you could say. I originally started this story for my friend, we would talk about it, but things have changed. I haven't talked about it to anyone and I don't have that creative spark. Maybe I'll pick it up, again. But for right now, the chapters I have on here, and the other chapters I have written elsewhere, are going to be all there is.


I'm finally going to post the second post of the Black Parade. I'll try to post then more regularly after that.
          Also, I'm going to be starting a few other stories that will be less stressful than The Black Parade. That will be happening soon, after band ends.