
As of now I am taking a very long time off of posting. I simply do not have the time to post every week with all my work. I'm sorry to all those who are following. I thank you all for sticking with me this long! But don't expect anymore posts :( 
          	SORRY!!! <3


As of now I am taking a very long time off of posting. I simply do not have the time to post every week with all my work. I'm sorry to all those who are following. I thank you all for sticking with me this long! But don't expect anymore posts :( 
          SORRY!!! <3


          I'm going to be compeltely honest with you all and say that I am no longer writing Moving Up. It just wasnt flowing for me and I couldn't continue. I've been working on a new novel and will begin uploading soon. I am sorry to all you fans who've been following Moving Up, but I hope you like my newer book as well.


Hi guys!! So I'm here to apologize for not uploading at all for like...months..woah..and I have no excuse except that I went through a strangely long period of time with ABSOLUTELY NO INSPIRATION....You know? Those periods where everything you write is just crap! So I gave up and took a break. It's summer now and I'll probably be doing a ton of writing, so we'll see how that goes. 
          Thank guys,