To GIRLS (soz bois but sometimes u can b creepy)
I found this website and it’s called Invisiwear and ppl made this for females to keep them safe from danger. I think this is good but still WE R STRONG. Men shouldn’t underestimate us, BUT this is good in case!!!!!!
@SherryBaluch can't log into this account anymore! Hopefully she will get it back, but for now, you can find her at @SherryBaluchh, formerly @Goddess_IR1S.
Hopefully you guys can all follow her over there, if you aren't already. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@Sokeefe1322 Oh, yeah. I was trying to say that since her original account wasn't working, she renamed her alt account. Goddess_IR1S was the old name of the alt account. But it doesn't matter, she got her main account back the other day.
Hi! Since you (obviously) love KOTLC was wondering if you would like to be a judge or enter a story in my Legacy fanfiction competition? You absolutely don't have to join if you don't want to! The details are in my "story" and if you have any questions just ask and do my best to answer them