
I promise I'm actually working on these stories. This year has been hard, for everyone. I haven't been able to get too much done but I swear I'll get these stories written and published. It may take even longer, but trust me guys, the wait will be worth it. I apologize for continuously making empty promises but this one is more a promise to myself. The stories will be made soon enough.


I promise I'm actually working on these stories. This year has been hard, for everyone. I haven't been able to get too much done but I swear I'll get these stories written and published. It may take even longer, but trust me guys, the wait will be worth it. I apologize for continuously making empty promises but this one is more a promise to myself. The stories will be made soon enough.


So remember that original kingdom story I mentioned forever ago? Yeah, it's still not done  I'm really sorry guys, drama happened and school has been kicking my ass and I haven't had the motivation. I'll try to get it done as soon as possible but I don't know when that will be. I may just upload it a few chapters (like five or something) at a time so keep on the look out if I do. Again, I'm sorry, I'm such a procrastinator. I'll get it done, I swear.


~BEAUTIFUL PERSO AWARD! Once you are give. this award you’re supposed to type in it a d give it to 8 people whi deserve it. If you break this chain nothing bad comes out of it but, it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re 
          beautiful inside and out❤️


Mind my grammer, my kindle is being a bitch and glitching.


Just a little heads up:
          I'll be posting another original story real soon so if you're interested be sure to check it out! It's about a "modern" day kingdom but with an olden time theme. There's technology but it's not that far along. There are still festivals and events similar. It's really just a mixture.