Not sure if anyone cares about this account anymore or these stories but I’m doing some updates again not sure what my schedule looks like so updates are going to be at random
Not sure if anyone cares about this account anymore or these stories but I’m doing some updates again not sure what my schedule looks like so updates are going to be at random
So this Saturday I will be updating heroes of the next generation again I was on a consistent update schedule then week two it all went out the window because I just regained power after a massive hurricane
-Violet ❤️
Hey everyone after nearly a seven month break I have finally updated heroes of the next generation part two thank you everyone for waiting I will fingers crossed be on a consistent weekly update schedule now.
-Violet ❤️
Hello everyone it’s been a few months since I’ve been here I just post a new one shot finally it took awhile to get back into the headspace for writing my fanfics again I don’t know when my next update will be hopefully soon if anyone is still here thanks for sticking around on this account hopefully you’ll hear from me soon.
-Violet ❤️
Update- I have just finished reading the inheritance games it was amazing sorry I haven’t been online recently my math teacher has been making my life HELL but I’m transferring into a different class soon I have the entire next week off from school so I will have some updates coming this week
-Violet ❤️
Fair enough lol
I love you in the most nonromantic way only because you are the first person who talked back whenever I said something abt the darkest minds lol