
Puntos menos porque no abre la puerta. No es que exija que los hombres me abran la puerta pero si puedes abrirla, espero que lo hagas. En vez de pararte atrás de mi y mirar como la abro yo. Ya me estoy arrepintiendo un poco de a ver dicho que si a Prom con él. 


Hello there!
          I hope you're still accepting reading requests, and don't mind checking out my story as well :)
          It's a psychological thriller plus romance based, so hopefully you enjoy that. 

          Thank you <3 


thank u so much!! :) it means a lot 


@TessaYoung5 Hi! I am. I will check it. I like thriller books. 


Guys it's been almost 3 months since one of my puppies got lost. We have tried to ask about her and we even put posters but nothing happened. It seems like someone took her and don't want to give her back. I'm super depressed and I just want to share it with someone.
          。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 	(╥﹏╥)	(>﹏<)
          Chicos, han pasado casi 3 meses desde que uno de mis cachorros se perdió.  Hemos intentado preguntar por ella e incluso pusimos carteles pero no pasó nada.  Parece que alguien se la llevó y no quiere devolverla.  Estoy muy deprimida y solo quiero hablarlo con alguien.
          。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。 	(╥﹏╥)	(>﹏<)


Hi guys, i just want to share that today my puppy got lost for the second time. We haven't find her. I feel super guilty because I didn't pay attention to her. I hope I can find her soon. I would like to ask you for prayers so we can find her soon.
          I'm trying to be positive.
          Hola a todos, solo quiero compartirles que hoy mi cachorra se perdió por segunda vez.  No la hemos encontrado.  Me siento súper culpable porque no le presté atención.  Espero poder encontrarla pronto.  Me gustaría pedirles oraciones para que podamos encontrarla pronto.
           Estoy tratando de ser positiva.


Join Tapas to discover amazing stories and unlock episodes of unique comics and books. ***Use my code MELO216W for 2,000 Ink when you sign up!
          Únete a Tapas para descubrir historias asombrosas y desbloquear episodios de cómics y libros únicos. ***¡Use mi código MELO216W por 2,000 Ink cuando se registre!


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


@ScarlettBlackDaisy I have to tell you that knowing Xavier is one of my favorite stories.  The plot is unique and I think spontaneous.  I wish you much success and that more people know and appreciate your work


Hola, disculpa la molestia, pero quería invitarte a leer mi obra titulada “El Secreto”. Espero le des una oportunidad, gracias.


@ Mahienver  esta bien