
this message may be offensive
Hi yall. these dumb bitches I call friends, classmates, and peers, are the absolute biggest idiots ive EVERRR met. Here's why: We are in a program and they are just dumb good bye ima go play kahoot


Ok. sorry for my very bad spelling. im sorry. i needed to rant. I actually love them all  very much. good bye


this message may be offensive
OK so. we have a grouochat, a couple of us, and we often send assignements. like most people in this gooooddkjweb;IWOUEFPIWyegviviu;uob'WORLD. yes i just lost my shit im sorry. but the point is that you know we help eachother out and just encourage eachother and help w hw and studying for tests. amd this kid posted on my ig story in the question sticker that his FRIEND gc w a nazi name got exposed "5th quadrant" or sum "GOOD" nazi shiiieeet or w.e but MY GC ppl FREAKED OUT. they PANICED. and the rest of the jkidas in the program ARE ALARMEd AND PERTURVED AND TERRIFIED AND AGITATGEd


nvm it was not a fun kahoot.


this message may be offensive
Hi yall. these dumb bitches I call friends, classmates, and peers, are the absolute biggest idiots ive EVERRR met. Here's why: We are in a program and they are just dumb good bye ima go play kahoot


Ok. sorry for my very bad spelling. im sorry. i needed to rant. I actually love them all  very much. good bye


this message may be offensive
OK so. we have a grouochat, a couple of us, and we often send assignements. like most people in this gooooddkjweb;IWOUEFPIWyegviviu;uob'WORLD. yes i just lost my shit im sorry. but the point is that you know we help eachother out and just encourage eachother and help w hw and studying for tests. amd this kid posted on my ig story in the question sticker that his FRIEND gc w a nazi name got exposed "5th quadrant" or sum "GOOD" nazi shiiieeet or w.e but MY GC ppl FREAKED OUT. they PANICED. and the rest of the jkidas in the program ARE ALARMEd AND PERTURVED AND TERRIFIED AND AGITATGEd


nvm it was not a fun kahoot.


Anyone else have a really mean sibiling? My little sister criticises everything I do. If I wear shorts they're too short, if I wear a certain underwear im starting to be a teenager (im 16) and always comments how bad I look in everything. It hurts and I can't do anything cause then she cries and I get in trouble. Anyone relates?