2ollux: ED what ii2 thii2?
Eridan: WWattpad
2ollux: well iit'2 2tupiid
Eridan: you alwways say that!
2ollux: because everything you 2how me ii2 2tuiipid
Eridan: Not true Sol! Please just givve wwattpad a chance!
2ollux: AC u2e2 thi2 and 2he made a "fanfiic" about u2, 2he called iit "Erii2ol" and ii thiink that'2 2ome kiind of cleaning product.
Eridan- Sol, it isn't...It's us shipped you uhh I cant say idiot so I'll say Bimbo.
2ollux: ED ii know what a biimbo ii2 oh my gog ju2t google iit. eheh
Eridan- No, you staying on Wwatpad, and that's final or I kill Kar.
2ollux: aww diid you buy me a car? ii2 iit a mu2tang, dave ha2 one.
Eridan: No! Stop fooling around wwe have stories to wwrite now!!!!
2ollux: let2 wtriite a davekat fanfiic eheh
Eridan- NYEH!!!!!!!!!
  • NYEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • JoinedDecember 31, 2016