
One Direction - History:


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You do know that  Taylor is way over Harry and happy with Calvin? I mean do you see how happy the girl is with C?!! She can't stop freaking smiling!! I think "we" come off as rude bitches towards you guys but we aren't. It's just that Haylors dead and you don't have to ship Tayvin but atleast show respect. Taylors happy and it's her decision. Calvin's been her longest relationship but all good things come to an end at some point and I think we are just trying to make every moment count. PGB is a fucktart so much it gets me fucking pissed. She thinks she knows everything about Tayvin. But she don't know shit. I think I hate her even though we both ship the same thing. She obsesses over EVERY FUCKING LITTLE THING! It gets annoying just going on her damn blog. Ok? I'm not sending hate'z


@lovefor_Tayvin13 well... you can support whatever you want and I will support who I's none of your business sooo stay out of it. And btw Taylor was smiling when she was with Harry too. So maybe she was happy with him too. 


@lovefor_Tayvin13 You make this sound rude.. Are you trying to be nice or?


Did you listen to Made in the A.M. ? I cried so hard when I heard Olivia and I want to write you a song and the whole deluxe album because Harry's voice was so beautiful and it reminded me so much about Haylor and how much he really misses her. Harry still loves TAYLOR!! Now if you'll excuse I'm going to go cry I can feel my eyes tearing up.


Ok I will gladly go check it out! Don't forget about the interview the boys have with Ellen which is airing TOMMOROW!! I hope she teases him a bit but not a lot


@Littlewhite_Styles Check out @etnow's Tweet: 
            This was Harry's reply for taylor question by ET. He answers so amazingly that it gives no clue at all. It's depressing for me.


@Littlewhite_Styles Did you watch The LDN session? Haylor all around.. Can't wait to see his reply.