
The Solstice Tribe is moving off of Wattpad. Logs of our members and a few other information will remain here, along with forums to join and such. 
          	We are officially moving to Discord, and if by January 11th those of you that are not already in our Discord Channel will be removed from the Solstice Tribe. If you are currently a member of the tribe and wish to be given a link to join merely DM us and we will provide one.
          	While we may be moving platforms, we are still going to be accepting new members on Wattpad. We will have a simple acceptance forum that will get you into the Discord channel should we approve it, but then when you join you will be required to fill out a more detailed character sheet (on a google document that you will then share in a channel dedicated for that) and submit it to us. After a higher up looks it over and gives the go ahead, you will be allowed to join the roleplay.
          	Those that are currently members and wish to move to the Discord Channel will be required to fill out a Character Sheet as well, and we shall be updating one of our books with the simplified form and the character sheet info shortly.


A golden streak arched through the sky above the territory. Whatever was the origin of this streak was moving extremely fast, much faster than should be humanly possible, roughly 135,000 ft/s. The streak would visibly arc downward toward the middle of the territory and would grow bigger by the millisecond. It wouldn't be long until the streak actively entered the atmosphere of the earth and stopped abruptly about 400 feet above the middle of the territory where the dilapidated tribe houses stood.
          Now that whatever the streak was was visible, a young man would be seen. The man sported a large set of pure white wings with the very tips of each feather shimmering with a golden light. His blonde hair was shaggy and messy, covering his glimmering emerald eyes. He wore a simple white t-shirt and tan cargo pants. The man's bare feet lightly tapped against the dying remnants of a magical barrier that no longer properly protected what it once housed. The man shook his head lightly as his emerald gaze took in the expanse of trees, interspersed with different dilapidated ruins.
          He had heard rumor long ago of this tribe. And frankly, he hadn't been bothered enough to even give a single thought toward a small, weak earthen tribe. But that was before he had experienced the essence of a star. Now, it seemed even the smallest of things in this universe caught his attention. A wail had caught his attention from this tribe, as if a soul cried out in agony, in anger, in sheer wrath. Right now, he couldn't feel that soul any longer. Maybe it was a hallucination... The essence of a star was a wonderful thing, after all.


The angelic man sighed deeply as his shoulders slumped a little. It seemed all he had to go on now was a dilapidated old tribe from days long past. Oh, well!! Lifting a single hand, palm upward, a brilliant glow would slowly start to coalesce about 5 feet above his upstretched hand. This glow would only grow more and more brilliant the longer he built power into it uninterrupted.
            Eventually, the glow would finally coalesce into what appeared to be a miniature version of the very star that stood at the center of the current solar system he was in. That star had to taste lovely, and for a moment, the angel stared into the sky past the glowing star above him. Shaking his head and looking back down upon the territory,  the man would simply drop his hand to his side. This would allow the mini star to drop down into the territory. The angel seemed to simply pass through the star as it fell, and there would be next to no resistance given by the dying magical barrier.
            When the mini star was roughly 150 feet above the very top of the tribe house, the mini star would suck in on itself before exploding violently outward in a too-bright-to-look-at flash. Wood, leaves, glass, furniture, stone, any living creature that happened to get caught in this brilliantly violent blast would be eradicated, no longer to have a breath of existence in this realm. A crater that rivaled the size of the largest on any other planet in this solar system was left as the brilliance of the supernova slowly faded away.
            The angel wouldn't stick around. A golden streak would rip through the atmosphere of earth back into the great expanse of space, his destination that of Sol, the star at the center of this solar system. He wouldn't touch it... yet. He just wanted a little sniff to whet his appetite.


The Solstice Tribe is moving off of Wattpad. Logs of our members and a few other information will remain here, along with forums to join and such. 
          We are officially moving to Discord, and if by January 11th those of you that are not already in our Discord Channel will be removed from the Solstice Tribe. If you are currently a member of the tribe and wish to be given a link to join merely DM us and we will provide one.
          While we may be moving platforms, we are still going to be accepting new members on Wattpad. We will have a simple acceptance forum that will get you into the Discord channel should we approve it, but then when you join you will be required to fill out a more detailed character sheet (on a google document that you will then share in a channel dedicated for that) and submit it to us. After a higher up looks it over and gives the go ahead, you will be allowed to join the roleplay.
          Those that are currently members and wish to move to the Discord Channel will be required to fill out a Character Sheet as well, and we shall be updating one of our books with the simplified form and the character sheet info shortly.


I’m inactive for most of the day from Monday-Friday. High school has started, making me very inactive unless waking up extremely early.
          I will try to communicate often.


(( No problem, dear! ))


I’m trying to change my sleep schedule to wake up at 5


This whole setup sounds awesome. Thanks for the follow! I'm defied inteested.


@MidwesternVibes_ (( No, of course not. You can be any creature you’d like ))


            No, your character doesn't have to be a werewolf.