
Hey guys. I want to clear up that I am not back. At least not for long. The thing is, a lot of things have come up in my personal life. I have just had it confirmed for me that on of my best friends has been sexually attacking me as I sleep. My depression is cutting deep and over quarentine I have relapsed hard into many bad habits. Long story short, I am battling with PTSD and an eating disorder amongst many other things. I honestly don't know when I'll be active again. But. I wanted to thank you all for the years I've spent on this site! I've met some amazing people. Read amazing stories. And I want you all to know that these past year to two with you have been the best ones in my life. You might have not known me until recently but hi! I might have been commenting on a story you read. I might have written a story you liked, I might have talked with you. We might have been friends. I am sorry for leaving so soon. But if I have caused you to smile even once. That is more than enough for me. 
          	Bye, perhaps for a final time. 
          	I love you all so much. 
          	- Matthew (My chosen name)


Hey guys. I want to clear up that I am not back. At least not for long. The thing is, a lot of things have come up in my personal life. I have just had it confirmed for me that on of my best friends has been sexually attacking me as I sleep. My depression is cutting deep and over quarentine I have relapsed hard into many bad habits. Long story short, I am battling with PTSD and an eating disorder amongst many other things. I honestly don't know when I'll be active again. But. I wanted to thank you all for the years I've spent on this site! I've met some amazing people. Read amazing stories. And I want you all to know that these past year to two with you have been the best ones in my life. You might have not known me until recently but hi! I might have been commenting on a story you read. I might have written a story you liked, I might have talked with you. We might have been friends. I am sorry for leaving so soon. But if I have caused you to smile even once. That is more than enough for me. 
          Bye, perhaps for a final time. 
          I love you all so much. 
          - Matthew (My chosen name)


Hey, how have you been? We used to talk a while ago, idk if you remember me but I wanted to check up on you!


@SomeAntisocialWeirdo yeah yeah I’m pretty good! I’m glad that you’re okay too! Do you have an Instagram or anything that perhaps I could follow you on? :0 I’d like to stay in contact!


@Kaifu0717 Oh my gosh hi! It has been a while huh? I have been better as of late. This account kind of died though huh? How are you? I hope you have been well!


OH MY GOODNESS! I can’t believe it! We just hit 100 followers! I can’t believe that many of you have decided to toon in to what I have to offer! I swear I can feel my face heating up! I just want you guys to know how much of a big deal this is to me. It’s like a dream to me that I have that many people interested in what I have to do! Well, I hope you have a good day, night, or whatever because don’t you even think for a second that I’m even close to finished!


Oh my goodness! I can hardly believe that we are almost at 100 followers! I know, to most you you that might not seem like much, but to me it feels so huge. I never really had hope that I would even gain a remote following on anything I chose to pursue but you guys are proving me wrong! I don't know what drove you to click the follow button, but I'm very thankful you did! I have met so many amazing and talented people in here, and I hope to continue to meet you amazing humans beings and get to know you better. I also want to know what kind of content you would like to see from me. I hope to get a lot of participation from you all! Also, how crazy is it that it's 2020? January's almost over and I still cannot believe it! Anyways, I can't wait to hear from all of you, and you will definately be seeing more of me! -Haruka and Admin


Hey guys, gals, and non binary pals! I want to wish you a happy New Year and hope that you had a great holiday! I can’t believe we are on the tail end of the decade. I think it’s incredible! I am very thankful for all of you and can’t wait to close off the 2010’s together! I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride so far, because we’re just getting started!


///I'm very sorry for my un-offical haitus from my account! Haruka and I have both been working double time in school. Things just haven't been going well for me at all. For instance, I've been officially diagnosed with depression by a phyciatrist and I'm considering going on medication. But that's enough of my excuses. I really do want to apologize and say that I have 2 new books in the works as well as updates for some of my other ones, so pleased stay tuned! And I can't believe we're at 95 followers! Oh my goodness that's a lot of people! I would like to thank everyone that's been with me this far and welcome all those who are considering tuning in on the journey of Haruka and I! I just want you to know that I love and appreciate all of you to the best of my ability, and if any of you want to talk for any reason I'm always here to listen.


You only need 10 more followers to get to 100 now ^w^
          Also your profile picture of hiccup is priceless 


            Thank you! I never thought I would even make it this far!


Hello everyone. I’m thinking of starting a new book soon. What are your opinions on Hetalia? For absolutely no reason whatsoever.


I certainly will!


@SomeAntisocialWeirdo Yes i am, just didn't expect that from you xD but oh god the fandom is one hell of a pit to dig- But yes, nowadays the fandom aint that toxic so go and write that fanfic!^^


            I respect your choice. You have good taste.