
I've been inactive for too long. Seeing all these people still supporting my stories warms my heart. I think I will update soon. You all deserve more updates. Sorry for the long wait. School really is a time consumer, and it unmotivates you to do other things other than school. Anyways, enough of the ranting. I will try my best to remember and provide updates next week. I love all of the people that support my stories. 


I've been inactive for too long. Seeing all these people still supporting my stories warms my heart. I think I will update soon. You all deserve more updates. Sorry for the long wait. School really is a time consumer, and it unmotivates you to do other things other than school. Anyways, enough of the ranting. I will try my best to remember and provide updates next week. I love all of the people that support my stories. 


@BTStruelover I love you so much, numbers cant keep up. It's infinity and beyond.


@BTStruelover ILY MORE. ❤️❤️


I can't believe I've been an ARMY for ALMOST more than a year. It's insane that time flew by so fast. It seems like just yesterday I was scrolling through my recommended feed on YouTube and I discovered my boy's Dope MV. Seriously.