
The need... to write... is so strong... laptop WHY?? DX  At least my finals are over tomorrow.  And then I can get my laptop fixed and FINALLY feed my addiction :D


@SomeSuchCreature  I feel you 
          	  But finals are over for me so >.> 
          	  The struggle. XD


          I was wondering when,or actually,if you are planning on continuing writing your story,Circus of the Dark Hearts! I really loved that book and I miss it's updates,since it'd been quite a long time from the last one.. 


To anyone who reads my stories, my computer crashed and I haven't been able to fix it. Also, I don't know if the stories in there deleted. I am writing this from my phone, so I may be absent for a while ^_^' Sorry if this inconveniences you in any way.


So, um, for some reason, no matter how many times I try, my story (The Forsaken) won't delete.  Therefore, I give up and I'll just leave it there.  I probably won't be adding to it, but it's there.  Oh!  And I'm trying my hand at a completely new front - romance... DUN DUN DUNNN.  No, seriously.  I am.