Gee, forgot how much I missed my books in my library :')
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Gee, forgot how much I missed my books in my library :')
Gee, forgot how much I missed my books in my library :')
I'm also no longer for the streets, it's odd ngl, but it feels lovely to finally have a special someone I can get along with and not just have a small fling with It's also safe to say that we didn't go through any "What's your favourite colour?" Phase. I say this confidently as I...snuggle my partner's jacket
In case you're wondering, I am quite alive :D My finals for high school are almost quite done and boy am I happy to almost be done with school. It's both a thrilling and scary thought to think of late at night -- but so the world goes round How have you all been? It's lovely to be back on Wattpad after a very long time, much has happened during that time and I'd love to catch up with y'all :))
That goat in Ateez's teaser is my new fav y'all ngl, the goat and San are top two rn and the goat may even top San when their comeback drops :/!!
Another conversation, except this is with my guy bestie...the one I was thirsting over for sitting in a chair ... ANYWAYS Just for some context, him and I always exchange cheesy pick up lines to make each other cringe and rate them for the fun of it. But today was slightly different lol, this was after our chemistry exam Him: so, do you like art? Me: ...yes?... (Y'all I'm obsessed with art, you do NOT understand how much I love my visual arts, I would DIE for it, anyways) Him: well then, could I d-raw you? (Ngl, as I type this out, it's not that cool, but in the moment it was pretty cool Bec this guy doesn't touch these dirty topics ight) Me: *bursts out laughing and does that goofy thing of rocking back and forth and hitting him on his arm bec it was so unexpected for him to say this ...does it make sense? Idk* SLAYYYYY LMAO, that was actually good, look at you getting some rizz eventually Nyeah, end of that lol I also have a feeling he likes me, my mom even says so, and I'm not sure how to feel about this now that I finally have a guy friend who isn't sexualizing me, or isn't stupid, and is really fun to talk to...idk, unless it's meant to be idk y'all Oh, and the Ateez photos KQ has been feeding us??????? I'm absolutely FOAMING at the mouth Bec of how SCRUMPTIOUS and GORGEOUS my faves look. Like SLAYYYYY, they always eat
@SomeSusAsianGworl girl ur sooo lucky he's your friend the guy i like is muchhhh older and we barely talk
I know I turned 18 a very while ish ago So I thought I'd share a conversation I had with my mom :D Mom: do you have a Facebook account? Me: uh...no? (For some context, I'm wasn't allowed Insta, Facebook etc til I turned 18) Mom: ok, well, now that you're 18 I'll allow you to have a Facebook account if you want. Just use it wisely, there's a lot of scary people out there Me: *shakes head* Nah it's fine, I don't really want Facebook(I mean, it's not that interesting ngl) Mom: ok, that's good, that'll keep you safer. But I thought I'd not be as strict with you and losen the strings a bit because you're an adult now and you're responsible... *Insert mom talk* and you have to get a job after school. Whether it be waitressing, a teller, a stripper, just get some sort of way of income Me: *pretends to be shocked* :o so I can be stripper after school??? (Even if I wanted to, I look like a sack of potatoes) Mom: yea :/ I mean, not much I can do about it since you're an adult now Me: that's crazy (now, if I'm being Frank, I'm on a hunt for a sugar daddy and if I had to become a stripper my mom would hunt me down • ▽ •;) P.S: I'm in no way putting strippers in a bad light, personally, I think they Hella strong for working in an environment where they most of the time work with toxic people to get an income...just thought that this conversation was a bit humorous because my mom is really strict and conservative
If you know me personally and you're reading this...no you don't know me and you've never read this...I've been stuffing this confession in my stomach and have the absolute need to excrete it out It was sorta week after my birthday and I had a very close guy friend come visit with his fam and siblings to sort of celebrate it late. We on mutual terms ight, but boo for me, I'm nearing that time of the month. So my hormones are going haywire, they want the good stuff because there's no baby in my uterus. I swear I don't have feelings for this guy nor wanna do the nasty with him, spare me, I see him sit normally ON A CHAIR that's FACING ME and IDK WHY, but a whole wattpad book goes on in my head about this guy and I getting to it Bec he looked SO fine, and it was so...nice? but SO weird at the same time Bec this guy is my bestie yk?? Anyways, it's been bothering me and I needed to spill the beans. Study hard kids and manage your time well :D)
@ElleEstReine no literally, and it's not helping my case rn Bec I'm busy with exams and my really REALLY smart ass decides to take subjects I'm really not that great at :'D
{@SomeSusAsianGworl} oh my life i completely understand ;-; i had a mini crush on a friend last year and now whenever it’s that time of the month where the hormones go haywire my brains like “he looks even more handsome than usual”
I love having a mental breakdown bec I wasn't able to finish a subject I do best in, again, before my due date Bec my time management is so fricked up and while I'm tryna do my best in said subject I'm neglecting my other subjects which I also need to catch up on now AND it's exams, yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fml (灬º‿º灬)♡ I swear I don't hate school and all those smart kids in school guys, trust, I don't
@SomeSusAsianGworl just stay positive and try your best no one can get mad if you truely tried
@LaSexyGoldy thank you, I needed this Bec I'm doing so bad in my exams lol TT
@SomeSusAsianGworl life sucks teachers always throw all these assignments at you all at once and expect you to finish them all by the same time then give you the " i expected better from you" Speech. i almost didnt graduate (high school) because of covid, i had to do online summer school and almost failed that as well because they wanted to email me a week left in the program. i had to stay up day and night to finish it, i wasnt even eating much cause of how stressed i was. but at the end of the day it all pays off just keep your head up and stay positive. FIGHTING ✊✊ You got this
Anyone know of totally legal sites where I can watch the full episodes of Boys Planet? Like episodes that contain the boys' intros and everything else :/ Because the site I'm watching on is just giving me their performances...and then scrolling on tiktok I'm seeing stuff I didn't even know they did TT
AND ROVER BY KAI???? AND XIKERS DEBUTING SOON????? AND JEFF SATUR ABSOLUTELY SERVING??? BRO, AND I JUST STARTED BED FRIEND???? Going delulu Fr, school a big contributor tho Delulu is my fav word ngl
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