
Heyyyy! I have not slept in three days and I can not function at the moment... Dgashgsd uh,agdfj,ghfdshj,gasc
          	Does anybody have any ideas or things they use to help them sleep?.. Plz! Thanks 


When you have so many ideas, but not enough time... I screwed up guys, I'm writing four books at once again! Blah! I'll publish those when I'm done tho so I don't have as much pressure on me as I would if I wasn't updating four stories. Woooh!.. Uhg *face palm* I did this to myself.


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Hey guys, I'm thinking about starting a new book. Although, i don't know if anyone would even b interested in reading it. I'll post the description below, let me know if u think I should write it or not. 
          Ps. The updates may b up and down with school and shit : oP
          Just Like Dirt 
          My name's... Unimportant, but if you must know it's Broden, but I like to be called Brody a lot more. And, well... I'm a loser. I'm not worth dirt and I've known that from the start. It doesn't help that my parents died when I was 12. It's been three years and I still have nowhere to run to, no place to call home. That is, until one, two famous men walked into the orphanage and changed my entire life. It just so happens that the one was my hero, my idol, and my inspiration and the other being just as amazing as him. I looked up to them both in my times of struggle, but never once did I imagine meeting them, more less getting adopted by them. Where this leads me in life, I have no idea. Am I scared? Very much. After all, how can the worthless dirt I am make it in Adam Lambert and Tommy Joe's world?


Is it just me or does homework really seem to kick your ass at the end of the school year?  It's really starting to make me mad. They say they'll ease up on homework but it's the exact opposite so I've had no time to do... Well, anything! Im literally doing five hours of homework a night. I'm so sorry I haven't updated things lately, I haven't forgotten, idk if people still read my stuff anyway. *shrug* idk anymore. *sigh* I'll try to write soon. :oP
          Thanks :o)


Hey guys, I'm thinking about making some one shots with a bunch of fandoms like homestuck, Sherlock, supernatural, ex. I could also throw in some real life actors or singers like Misha Collins, Adam Lambert, Mathew Gray Gubbler, ex. Just let me know some one shots you'd like to read and I'll write them if I know them. No promises I do tho, I'm not that crazy to know them all... Says the girl who thought it'd be a great idea to join homestuck.... Anyways let me know if I should start writing some and what your ships are, thank you! Xoxoxo


Hey guys! I know some of you can't comment or talk to others over the internet and that's totally okay. Thanks once again for just being you and following! I'm gonna try and update more often but schools really kicking my butt so it's hard to. Plz don't stop reading, I promise my books will not leave anyone hanging like I know some do and just stop, my stories will always have an ending. I mean a strong ending is what makes it a good story, right? Love you all! 
          HoNk :o)


Hey guys, I'm really glad to see some people actually taking a liking to my stories, honestly I didn't think I'd get many people reading them. So thanks again for taking the time to read them. Don't be afraid to comment ideas or message me. Also, sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I swear I will, I've just been in d.c for a school trip thing cramming a week worth of traveling into 3 days. Please don't stop reading, luv ya all! :-P