Just wanna ask if you're still in hiatus? Im not trying to push you or to rush you tho, hope u understand
Reading Lists
Hi....long no see? Talk? Lol I don't even know anymore. Anywho, thank you to everyone who has been waiting patiently for updates, I know I said that the Hiatus wouldn't be that long...but I didn't anticipate going back to school would be this hard to adjust to (and AP English is just- Pain. PURE. SUFFERING.) So I guess this me saying I'm not dead haha...at least not yet I will promise you guys that I am trying to fit whatever small free time I have into the book, but between school, extracurricular activities, and work, my schedule has not let much progress be made. But the main reason I'm here (besides apologizing) is that I wanted to clear up some parts of the book and make some changes, particularly to the first few chapters. It was written that Yewon and Eunbi are American (and Irish [Yewon] ) but have Korean names. So I decided to change it, since it was a tad bit weird and confusing. New changes will be: Yewon is Korean but born in Australia (previously Ireland, but I like Australia more ^^) but raised in America seeing as she was adopted at 4. Eunbi and the rest of the characters will be Korean as well but born and raised in America. [ These changes haven't been made on the actual chapters of the book, but is changed on my original Google doc where I'm writing the book, the changes will be made shortly. I just wanted to say it here first, I'll announce when I do add in the changes ] Lastly, as this message is long enough, unfortunately I have to ask you guys to wait a little bit longer. I don't want to be inconsistent with my updates, so I want to finish everything and consistently publish chapters for a more enjoyable experience. Hopefully my schedule will clear up a bit more so I can make some good progress. But with that being said please wait for me to (come home, hahaha jk) finish the book T~T thank you guys for waiting everyone and I'll be back as soon as I can. Thank you, Mandu
Take your time Manduuu also take care of yourself and relax from time to time
Just wanna ask if you're still in hiatus? Im not trying to push you or to rush you tho, hope u understand
Hi....long no see? Talk? Lol I don't even know anymore. Anywho, thank you to everyone who has been waiting patiently for updates, I know I said that the Hiatus wouldn't be that long...but I didn't anticipate going back to school would be this hard to adjust to (and AP English is just- Pain. PURE. SUFFERING.) So I guess this me saying I'm not dead haha...at least not yet I will promise you guys that I am trying to fit whatever small free time I have into the book, but between school, extracurricular activities, and work, my schedule has not let much progress be made. But the main reason I'm here (besides apologizing) is that I wanted to clear up some parts of the book and make some changes, particularly to the first few chapters. It was written that Yewon and Eunbi are American (and Irish [Yewon] ) but have Korean names. So I decided to change it, since it was a tad bit weird and confusing. New changes will be: Yewon is Korean but born in Australia (previously Ireland, but I like Australia more ^^) but raised in America seeing as she was adopted at 4. Eunbi and the rest of the characters will be Korean as well but born and raised in America. [ These changes haven't been made on the actual chapters of the book, but is changed on my original Google doc where I'm writing the book, the changes will be made shortly. I just wanted to say it here first, I'll announce when I do add in the changes ] Lastly, as this message is long enough, unfortunately I have to ask you guys to wait a little bit longer. I don't want to be inconsistent with my updates, so I want to finish everything and consistently publish chapters for a more enjoyable experience. Hopefully my schedule will clear up a bit more so I can make some good progress. But with that being said please wait for me to (come home, hahaha jk) finish the book T~T thank you guys for waiting everyone and I'll be back as soon as I can. Thank you, Mandu
Take your time Manduuu also take care of yourself and relax from time to time
Hey guys…as I mentioned this is in chapter I just updated, I wanted to say it again. I know none of us expected this news, I sure as hell didn't. But like I said I have trust in the girls because new beginnings often start with painful endings, and I know that they know what the next best step is for them. AGAIN just to be clear, I WILL NOT STOP WRITING, it is super sad that Gfriend isn't active as I write this but it does not mean I will stop writing books. Writing is my way of escaping reality for a bit, but as I mentioned I really do understand those who cannot take the reminder and choose to no longer read the book. I know things are crazy right now and emotions are everywhere, but Gfriend will never be gone, they are in our hearts just like we will always be buddies. I would like to say this again because I will never grow tired of thanking Gfriend, Thank you so much Gfriend for the 6 wonderful years you gave us, all the hard work you have done, and all the awesome bops you produced for us. You will be in our hearts forever and always.
Thank you authornim for staying. Im also believe that Gfriend gonna comeback soon. Im gonna wait for them and still gonna read your wonderful story. Thank you so much
Good Morning Everyone! Happy Birthday to my Loyal Reader! ^-^ @D3SMONSTERBrawlStars
@Some_Buddy_05 no problem! Let me know what your username is on Discord and I'll text you on there
Hi author-nim! I don't wanna sound pushy and I'm really sorry if I do... But I was just wondering when you would update again? I really like your story (as you can tell by the numerous comments I've wrote) and tbh this and one other story are the only stories I look forward to when people update. So just wondering! Again, no pressure at all! Take your time and don't feel like you need to rush! Thank youuuuuu!!!
@Some_Buddy_05 okay thank god i wasn't sounding pushy. Lol and if hw is biting you in the ass then worry about that first and then you can finish writing the next chapter. I wouldn't want you to fail school just because of this. On that note, if you did update this weekend, I would be really happy . But again, take your time and finish your hw before anything else. Keep up the good work! And don't die while doing the said hw!
@D3SMONSTERBrawlStars Hey! It's no problem, it's a good reminder to get my lazy ass up and write. I'm about a little pass half way with the chapter, I'll try getting it out sometime this weekend. I have loads to hw to do T~T but I'll definitely try publishing this weekend latest (and don't worry, you aren't being pushy) ^^
Omg...I just woke up to 50 notifications from wattpad...hahahhaha, you guys are crazy I love it
@D3SMONSTERBrawlStars it's okay, I always love reading comments, awesome way to start my day
Hey bestieee
Hai author-nim sorry for disturbing but....When will you updated the story???
@Some_Buddy_05 Don't wanna lie tho, still good and this one of my favorite Umb fanfic author-nim thank you for releasing this book:)
@youremyYuuzth no problem, sorry for the short chapter...hopefully it's still good tho!
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