TW: Bones, Mentions of stabbing(with a mechanical pencil but still)
A highly unlucky guy lecture tripped and fell on a mechanical pencil and got at least half the pencil in his leg. I saw the entire thing in full detail bc I sit near him. I actually have a bit of compassion for people who get hurt and don’t deserve it; he was actually nice to everyone so it was kind of hard to see him with that thing just lodged in his leg. I’m in nursing classes so the one other person who was trying to be a nurse and I had to make sure it wasn’t too bad. It missed the bone but barely. Thank whatever entity is up or down there if there is one that it wasn’t too bad. If you’re wondering how he is, the other person who was helping me got a wheelchair and we rolled him out of lecture hall. Someone called the paramedics and we got him in the ambulance. I’ve got
no idea what happened from there. If I have any updates, I’ll tell. Or have I shared too much? Lmk