Chapter 21.5: The Difference Between A Hill And A Mountain
Word count: 5,136 (all original and nothing from the light novel)
Release date: December 24, 2024 12:00 AM
I've said this already but i have not exerted this much effort into something that ISN'T schoolwork, like genuinely my brain hurts from this. And even then I don't think it's good (or even long) compared to the likes of LostNaito's fight scenes, but i will say this...
This is the best fight scene i have ever made so far and i am quite proud of the result. Sure, it's not perfect, but i can confidently say that i thought of everything in this chapter, even IF one scene in particular was basically a scene in JJK, (i won't say specifically, you'll have to find out yourself)
Anyways, I'll see y'all there, oh and here's to another year in Wattpad!