
cause we could stay at home and watch the sunset
          	but I can't help from asking "are you bored yet?"
          	and if you're feeling lonely you should tell me
          	before this ends up as another memory


          hope you're doing okay
          with all the r@pe day stuff 
          it's absolutely disgusting, @ANormalPerson51 made this post: Note: will have triggers!
          TRIGGERS: r*pe, s*xual assault, and other really bad stuff.
          On TikTok, there is a terrible trend going around. On April 24th, a bunch of men declares that it's "national r*pe day", and that it's legal to r*pe women and children. On that day, they will attempt to r*pe as many people that they can. 
          For all of you, stay safe. 
          Don't go anywhere alone, bring a group of friends and/or family.
          Carry something to protect yourself, a book, a very sharp pencil, scissors, pepper spray, heck, even bring a knife. Your safety is what matters the most.
          If you can, STAY HOME!
          Stay. Alert. 
          Do not panic. 
          If someone grabs you, scream. Just scream, scream as loud as you can, start crying. And most of all, scream "FIRE!" 
          1: If you can, stay home, dont go out.
          2: If you must go out, bring a group of friends
          3: If you cant do that, make sure to bring weapons. 
          4: If you get touched, scream. Punch them were it'll hurt the most. 
          If any of you need anything, pm me. Whether if you need tips, or if you just want someone to talk to, I'm here.  
          Here is a link where they explain it more. 

          please stay safe <3
          please, please try and stay safe, and spread the word.


@ANormalPerson I've always been really careful about traveling in crowds, and my dad signed me and my sister up for karate, because you never know.


@ANormalPerson51 yeah
             all of this is really scary for me, even though i dont go outside that much these days
            I just needed something to help restore some faith in humanity :]


@ANormalPerson51 helloo 
            yw, i had no idea about it until i went on wattpad- you're helping so many people


Read a zodiac book today
           You're awesome and this'll help you feel validated and special
          have a nice day


@worrystone any type of zodiac book - yes that one too


@Someonethatl from stan lee? as in THE zodiac book? like steven lee & his groupies type zodiac?