
@mattnick95 Nothing really, Matt ;) You?


I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT! I am currently working on a Doctor Who fan fiction, it will be with the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) because he is my favourite Doctor, and if it isn't out tonight, it'll be out by the end of the week. Please take a look if you like Doctor Who xxx 
          xOxO Maddy 


Okay, let's get something straight. This, is Maddy. And what has happened is I was planning to make a new Wattpad and start a new. But, the email thing was being retarded. So I was going to connect via Facebook. And, of course, the email I use for Facebook is the email Natalie and I used when we first created this account. So, since Natalie hasn't posted since Decemeber; I will steal it from her. So, HI AGAIN! :D 


Hey fans, so this is no longer a shared accont, becuase Maddy has decided to no longer be apart of it... Oh, well, her lost :P I'll hopefully be updating FAA more offten, but now that I have my other accont (story_killer_77) to upload that story as well on, it shouldn't be happening to often, sorry!