
Just decided to log back in for the first time in forever. Im an entirely different person now. It's wild. Might make a comeback? Is anyone even still on here?


Just decided to log back in for the first time in forever. Im an entirely different person now. It's wild. Might make a comeback? Is anyone even still on here?


CURRENTLY: not quite sure what inspired me to check back in on wattpad but i'm glad i did. i've been cycling through different projects over the past month. i'll hyperfocus on something and then after a week or so of nonstop working on it, i'll be completely done with it and repulsed by the thought of forcing myself to work on it again.


I hope everything is going well with you. And you will continue to write again once you're ready. I saw that you took down what you post yesterday. Are you busy in school? If so, I hope that you will do well. I believe education is important. I sound old. Lol. Maybe that's because I am.  Stay positive and keep on enjoying what you like to do in life. And maybe one day you will reach whatever you want to be in the future. 


@XweirdgreyskyX  Thank you so much! I have been very busy with schoolwork. College classes are tougher than I anticipated, but I'm getting used to them. I believe education is important, too. Thanks again for all your support  -Gray


Hang in there! 
          Life can be quite a challenge at times no matter who we are! Enjoy and learn all you can from your classes and experiences.
          I hope you decide to repost the incredible entry you wrote last night.  I tried to vote and comment about it yet it said you deleted it.  Your list of achievements and goals is amazing!  Many people don't set goals for themselves.  
          I received a notification that you mentioned my name somewhere but didn't find it.
          Gentle hugs!  ❤ 


I understand. Responsibilities and everyday life takes us away from writing. 
            I wish you success in all your goals. 
            Thank you for the gentle hugs! ☺ ❤ 


@lkrice I've been away from Wattpad so long, I'm honestly a little shocked that you still follow and keep up with my writing. Thank you. I am currently in the process of editing my old writing and reorganizing my books to be a bit more cohesive. So, for the time being, everything is unlisted. But be on the lookout for new writing coming soon!
            As far as goal setting, I've always been one to make new years resolutions lists and work towards self-improvement. A new goal I have set for myself is to start writing more. Whether on Wattpad or privately for just myself.
            *gentle hugs back*


CURRENTLY: i'm taking a shakespeare class in college and so far i'm really enjoying it. also, my digital art class has gotten me into drawing again, which is nice. hopefully i'll have a lighter workload this quarter, so i can focus on the online music club i run for my high school. im trying so hard to get my life together and though it's not all coming together as perfectly as i want, i am getting somewhere. been going to a lot of poetry events. got to see neil hilborn (if you haven't heard of him, look him up on youtube. he does that poem about ocd that went viral a few years ago and he is amazing omg). but none of it has really inspired me to write. mental health is doing alright. thanks to those of you who have reached out and sent me messages on here. i didn't realize there were people who still want me to write and think about me. maybe i'll make it one of my goals to start writing more. no promises!


ALSO, UPDATE: i just realized i'm at 99 followers?? that's insane?? i mean, thanks so much to everyone who has supported me. sorry i dont really post anymore :(


CURRENTLY: okay, so I got my laptop fixed last week, so no more stress about that. I also got a haircut. I just went to a poetry slam, so my writing inspiration has been rejuvenated. Don't expect me to write on here, though. I'm so busy with school.


this message may be offensive
CURRENTLY: Yeah, nanowrimo didn't happen. My mental health is struggling. I made about 50 new years resolutions. My laptop is broken and it's fucking up my whole life. I get to see Taylor Swift in concert later this year. I need new music to listen to. My room is relatively clean. I need a haircut.


CURRENTLY: Trying to deal with all the writing/art project ideas I have while also not falling behind in school. Obsessed with Taylor Swift's new song, Gorgeous. Still not over the girl I was never in a relationship with 2 years ago. My room is a mess. Revamping this account- things are changing. Using Dabble to write and plan stories. Attempting to do NaNoWriMo (wish me luck!)


Wow. I can't believe I've hit 100 followers. I know I've been gone for a long time, so I've only just now noticed. School takes a lot out of me, leaving me without the time or energy to write, which I really hate because I would love to be more active on here like I was a few years ago. I'm glad that people are still enjoying my writing, though. I am working on creating a better online presence for myself with social media. For a long time I've wanted to make youtube videos and run a blog, so I think that this summer I'm really going to try to achieve those things. Hopefully, I will start feeling more inspired to write on here again.
          I've had multiple fictional stories in the works for a while now, but I keep getting stuck with planning out how I want them to go. If anyone has any tips for character building or plot planning, please message me! I'm open to all suggestions.
          Alright. Thank you to everyone who still follows me and reads my writing! See you soon, hopefully with some updated books!!!