
@musicsawindowtosouls  Aww no problem:)


Hey umm just came up with a bit of a Crazy idea to start sharing all of my decor DIY tips with the lovely people of wattpad I'm like obsessed at the moment, only uploaded one thing to make at the moment but maybe have a read if you have a  spare few minutes and umm tell me whether you think it's a good idea and maybe if you have any questions or like anything you have any ideas about making don't be afraid to ask cause I might be able to  help:)) Thank you  lovely people it means  a lot:) and also any the fault in our stars fans who are currently as obsessed as me it I'd like the best book!! Then maybe vote for my new craft book and share it with a few friends to get them to vote for it and I'll add a fault in my stars room decor part made some stuff already and got some new ideas I'm gonna trial, so yeah if you wanna see some  how to make  fault in our stars room decor ideas then go go go read and vote and get your friends  to read and vote:)) thank you muchly Amazing people:)) ByeBye:)