
It's official guys and gals, starting from tomorrow I'll continue writing new chapters.


@TheTotallyAwesomeHul Yup, since the other ones are either Discontinued (Remnant's Giant & Remnant's Pharaoh), won't scale that high no matter how you push it (Hunanity's Strongest Ally) or belong in a different verse/cosmology entirely (Vampire Chronicles : Sanguis Rex)


@SonRaon that’s the one that has the cosmology build you explained?


@TheTotallyAwesomeHul Dragonball : Rebirth since that's the one that's going to get a new chapter later on 


It's official guys and gals, starting from tomorrow I'll continue writing new chapters.


@TheTotallyAwesomeHul Yup, since the other ones are either Discontinued (Remnant's Giant & Remnant's Pharaoh), won't scale that high no matter how you push it (Hunanity's Strongest Ally) or belong in a different verse/cosmology entirely (Vampire Chronicles : Sanguis Rex)


@SonRaon that’s the one that has the cosmology build you explained?


@TheTotallyAwesomeHul Dragonball : Rebirth since that's the one that's going to get a new chapter later on 


Sup. Like your scaling part. Question: is it ok we can follow eachother and if I need help on the cosmos, you can help me out?


Can you read the Ascendent force?


Hello everyone,
          I know it's been quite a while since we've last spoken, but I have both good and bad news.
          The good news are happy new year!!
          And now for the not so funny stuff....
          The reason why I wasn't posting any new chapters was mainly due to the fact that I was away from Wattpad with a burn out due to lessons and some other serious yet personal things I had to deal with...
          Now I'm back and unfortunately the bad news haven't stopped yet since in regards to my stories...
          But first things first let's start with the good news :
          Hunanity's Strongest Ally, Dragonball Rebirth and Vampire Chronicles : Sanguis Rex will be continued to be written on diligently.
          My Wattpad book called Cosmology of Raonverse will continue being written and expanded upon.
          My Experimental OC book will continue being written, but as the least worrying part.
          Now for the bad news...
          My OC books won't be continued - with the exception of the Experimental OC Book - since the amount of both RPable and Non RPable OCs have been increased exponentially since the last time I RPed on Wattpad.
          Remnant's Pharaoh will be DISCONTINUED entirely since I've fallen away with it and it had caused me a massive burnout for how I should continue it.
          Remnant's Giant will be DISCONTINUED, but not permanently, but mostly until I find ideas about its rewrite since my writing style had changed a lot since back then so I thought that when time comes I'd give it a major rewrite on the entire book (probably won't be doing the explaining time bonuses since although they were informative, they were a major headache for me) 
          I know that some of you might be annoyed that I discontinued my two most viewed stories, but I think it's for the best since it was becoming suffocating for me to find ways to continue them.


Hi I just finished reading remnants giant, really great book congrats, but why does it say it's completed if it was left on a chapter called Part 1 


@BobsYourUnclez If you have any other questions, feel free to ask 


@BobsYourUnclez it's said it's completed since back then there was a hoax that all incomplete books on Wattpad would be deleted so since I didn't know if it was true or not I marked it as complete :'D


Hello everyone Son Raon here.
          It's been a while since we've last talked about, but now since I'm on holidays, I'll explain to you about something I've planned on doing in regards to my Wattpad stories.
          From today the first three of my stories (Remnant's Giant, Remnant's Pharaoh and Humanity's Strongest Ally) won't appear on my published books for an amount of time.
          That's due to the fact I'm mainly planning on rewriting some of the chapters in the stories since they were... for lack of a better term "99,....9% filler and 0,....1% plot so some things will change drastically in my stories.
          That's all I had to say.


@SonRaon glad to see you back as soon as my phone went off like crazy cause of this something told me to check it out


@SonRaon I was about ot ask "Re-Published again?"
            Good to hear,  you came back.


Also I nearly got a heart attack seeing that for a few seconds my stories were without votes or reads 


It's my birthday :D


@SonRaon - Happy Birthday


@SonRaon Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a good day! 


Hello everyone, Son Raon here and I've got some things to tell you about.
          Firstly I'm still here, but I wasn't writing any new chapters due to essentially being on a writer's block due to :
          -College and 
          - my upcoming exams on the one hand 
          and the fact that :
          - I was still sad - and partly depressed - about the many private chats I've lost due to the fact that Wattpad at this point is planning on removing every community feature they have from the face of the platform and 
          - Some personal matters that I've had to take care of on the other hand
          resulting in a burn out from writing in general.
          But alas despite all of this, I've decided that I've been courteous enough with my burn out and had let it affect me more than expected so this is how it'll go for now.
          From the 17th of June to the 3rd of July, I'll take another big break from writing in order to focus on my studies for the upcoming exams and after all of this is over I plan on starting to write here once again.
          This is my plan for how I'll move on Wattpad right now.
          Raon out.


@SonRaon take all of the time that you need bro as we'll still be here man, so don't force yourself if you aren't ready yet


            Alright man but take your time alright


@SonRaon you got it, don't rush yourself. Take all the time you need