
          Name: Bluepaw
          Age: 8 moons
          Gender: ♀ (she cat, female)
          Looks: Light gray tabby, white paws, brilliant green eyes, large ears, knub for a tail
          Personality: Funny, Witty, Clever
          Mate/kits/crush: None, none, none
          Other: None


          Name: Goldenkit
          Age: 5 Moons
          Gender: She-Cat
          Looks: small runt sized cat with a golden pelt with redish-brown patches on pelt and redish-brown paws, belly, half of tail(the tail is spilt down the middle verticly 1 half redish-brown) 2 white paw diagnale from each other, chest and other half of tail with long fur and has 1 blue eye 1 green eye
          Personallty: nice loving fun odd
          mate and all that: hopes
          other: she wasnt born in songclan she was found running away from her twoleg home


          Kit Name:-: AppleKit 
          Medicine Apprentice Name:-: ApplePaw 
          Current Name:-: ApplePaw 
          ((Wanted Name:-: AppleWisp)) 
          Rank:-: Medicine Cat Apprentice? 
          Gender:-: Female 
          Crush/Mate:-: N/A 
          Kits:-: Not Allowed, ^^ 
          Age:-: 7 Moons 
          Appearance:-: ApplePaw is a beautiful, petite Tabby She Cat with tan Fur, and Tortoiseshell markings. Her tail is long and wispy, and her fur is rather long. Her eyes are a gentle amber, and are ringed blue around the pupil. She is actually blind in one eye. Her underbelly is white and her right foreleg is completely brown, so is her left hindleg. Her right ear is brown, too. She has orange specks, with black. 
          Personality:-: Being ApplePaw is easy, ^^ She is always happy, Calm and Energetic. With the happy side of her Personality, ApplePaw is always open to conversation, new friends, and loves kits. Her calm side, she is quiet, and just enjoys the moment. And her energetic side, well, that's when the Kit inside comes out. She loves to play with the kits, and loves to hunt. ^^ She is also rather funny in humor, too. 
          History:-: ApplePaw's history is rather brief. She was born to FeatherStorm and WispFall, with two Siblings, StarkKit and BlueKit. Her parents died, as did StarkKit. And, She ended up where she is now. 
          Likes:-: Friendship, Training, Hunting and being happy. 
          Dislikes:-: Those who try to harm her Clan. 
          Other:-: N/A ^.^ 


You may begin. And yes, she may be medicine cat apprentice.


Name: Silentsoul
          age: 16 moons
          gender: tom
          Looks: dark grey with darker grey spots. A dark green eye on the left and a pure white on the right
          Personality: a loner, quite, stay away from everyone. Randomly growls
          Mate/kit/crush" mostly everyone is scared of him
          other: spends time on his rocks