-New Gemsona story being developed, expect it really soon as it will become my top priority of 2021. You'll know its out once you see a story entitled "Biproducts" It is being written because I finally finished developing it after 5 whole years and I'm ready to present it
-UnderGem is officially dead. I am not going to be redeveloping it anytime in the few months and will not focus on it anymore. I apologize if thats why you're following my content
-HIGHLY asking you to follow my Instagram (@rupphirelady) and subscribe to my YouTube (Apples and Cream) for more frequent updates and posts on my art and content. If you want my Discord however, DM me on here or Instagram and say you're from my Wattpad announcement
-The Amulet story is probably getting deleted, sorry if you were actually excited about that :/
Here's to 2021!