As the question keeps coming up (understandably so) and I don't seem able to answer it properly due to...technical problems or whatever..., I'll try this approach. Thus: I am not on a break and I intend on finishing my story, but I have currently a case of a major writing block, my worst so far, due to circumstances I'll relay at the end of my newest chapter, whenever I can post it. It's still a work in progress, I'm afraid, and I'm sorry I can't tell you anything better or more detailed. I'm slowly getting back in the saddle, but I'm also careful not to just write something and post it, as it is liable to be out of touch with the rest of the story (and I already know, that you notice it, when I rushed my writing). Sorry I can't tell you anything better, I try my hardest to update as soon as possible. Thanks and have a nice Easter!