
For all readers of Fallen Moon... I have exciting news.
          	I have confirmed the release date of season 2 (with myself of course), and I will try my best to release it by March the 3rd, 2017.
          	Thank u for being dedicated to the series.


For whoever it is that reads Fallen Moon 
          I've decided that it will have 13 episodes 
          12 normal episodes that goes with the plot and 1 bonus episode that will be used as a new years special. 
          I'm planning to end season one on January 3rd, most likely 
          If it ends earlier then yay for me. 
          I will release a preview of season 2 on valentine's day and by preview i mean Episode 0.
          Season 2 will be released next time i get holiday from school,  which might be Easter 


For all the Bloody Nights fans, It'll be back soon, I only took it down to change the point of view of the story . So expect to see it again.