
Hey guys and gals, Sonofartimes here and I have some... I have some bad news um one of my best friends was found dead yesterday and I need some prayers sent out to the family I won't be posting for a least three to four weeks to grieve. Bye guys.


Hey guys and gals, Sonofartimes here and I have some... I have some bad news um one of my best friends was found dead yesterday and I need some prayers sent out to the family I won't be posting for a least three to four weeks to grieve. Bye guys.


Hey guys and gals, Sonofartimes here with an apology to all my readers. I'm so sorry about my tardiness, but I've been under a lot of stress from school and I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm sorry for the wait and that I should be uploading either today or tomorrow after I get home from school at three thirty. Thanks again for your patience and I'll upload as soon as I can. So with that being said I got a contest for you guys, if you can give me a good idea for the next chapter, I'll dedicate the chapter to you and promote your story, sound good? And just a reminder that any characters or events that you want added in I'll try to incorporate them into my story, but NO PROMISES! Ok? I might have to be reminded about it so just give me your ideas and I'll look over them and put the best ones to good use. This is Sonofartimes signing off and I'll see YOU in the next update, BYE!!!