
Hey there, still active? I loved player swap up,and the sequel so so much that it kept running in my head. So i have attempted a sequel to your sequel. Would you like to have a look ?
          Reply if you are still active


Hello. I would really rather you didn’t do this!! I’m so sorry for my inactiveness 


Heeyy!! I've read your your story 'the player swap up' and the sequel and I'm in LOVE with it. Your writing is amazing and I was wondering if you could maybe write a story with Neymar? It's totally okay of your busy or don't want to!


I am just seeing this. I will consider it, I like Neymar but after I’m finished with my current stories maybe!


@dunlop-kristen okay so I just read your first chapter and the pointers I have are: 
          1. Make sure you space everything out, reference one of my chapters for an example
          2. When your characters are talking make sure you separate and capitalize the words so it's easier for your readers to distinguish between the two.
          3. I know how difficult it can be to write long chapters but readers really don't like short chapters unless there is an update the same day 
          Overall I think you have a really good plot and if you need anymore advice feel free to come back to my message board  
          Happy Reading 


Hello! I've been reading your player swap up story for quite some time now and I absolutely love it, which is why I'm reaching out to you! In my imagine/one shot story I posted a list of topics that I don't have time to write about but would love for them to become stories. If you have a moment could you please give it a look? I would be utterly glad if you ended up writing on one of them! :)


@SonsOfPitches that would work fine! :)


@Christina201055 okay and how would you like me to like send it to you? Over message? 


@SonsOfPitches no no of course not! It's totally yours to plan and you with! :!