thx 4 the follow! :)
Reading Lists
Hey, everyone, I'm making an important announcement.... I'm going to stop posting my stories on here indefinitely until I decide otherwise. I have other things going on, and I'd rather just write my stories for myself in my free time as a way to destress. I hope everyone understands. I'm sorry to the people who were in the middle of reading my other stories and to anyone who may have wanted to continue reading my stories after I made the announcement that I would continue posting over the summer. I will still be checking in on Wattpad, and my account will still be here. I'm open to chat with anyone who needs/wants it, but I'll be taking down "I'm Your Psycho" for the time being. I think I may re-upload Fade and IYS after I completely finish them. I get stressed out very easily, so I think just subconsciously I'm stressing myself out over the fact that I said I would update again. I usually only write when I'm in the mood, so yeah, hehehe. Anyhoo, I hope you lovely people don't mind too much and have a wonderful rest of your day/night. I just wanted to let you all know before I forget to post this. I'm going to bed now, but I hope you all are safe, healthy, and happy. Remember to wear your masks, regardless of whether or not you got your vaccine since it's still important to keep yourselves safe, and make good decisions. I'm here for you if you need anything at all! Love youuuuuu ❤️
@namjoonbias1229 Thank you, girlie, I really appreciate it. :) I really love your story as well! I haven't had the time to finish reading it yet, but I'll try getting to it soon! This is also really random, but thank you for being my Wattpad friendddddd :>
thx 4 the follow! :)
Hey, everyone, I'm making an important announcement.... I'm going to stop posting my stories on here indefinitely until I decide otherwise. I have other things going on, and I'd rather just write my stories for myself in my free time as a way to destress. I hope everyone understands. I'm sorry to the people who were in the middle of reading my other stories and to anyone who may have wanted to continue reading my stories after I made the announcement that I would continue posting over the summer. I will still be checking in on Wattpad, and my account will still be here. I'm open to chat with anyone who needs/wants it, but I'll be taking down "I'm Your Psycho" for the time being. I think I may re-upload Fade and IYS after I completely finish them. I get stressed out very easily, so I think just subconsciously I'm stressing myself out over the fact that I said I would update again. I usually only write when I'm in the mood, so yeah, hehehe. Anyhoo, I hope you lovely people don't mind too much and have a wonderful rest of your day/night. I just wanted to let you all know before I forget to post this. I'm going to bed now, but I hope you all are safe, healthy, and happy. Remember to wear your masks, regardless of whether or not you got your vaccine since it's still important to keep yourselves safe, and make good decisions. I'm here for you if you need anything at all! Love youuuuuu ❤️
@namjoonbias1229 Thank you, girlie, I really appreciate it. :) I really love your story as well! I haven't had the time to finish reading it yet, but I'll try getting to it soon! This is also really random, but thank you for being my Wattpad friendddddd :>
YOOOOOOO I haven't been on here in MONTHS! Welp....0-0 ANYHOO, I'm coming back this summerrrrrrrrr because school is out next weekkkkkkkk. Exams are starting this Friday, but they're so chill...it's insane; I wish it was always like this. In any case, I'll be working on Fade again, AND I've decided to post both my original version of I'm Your Psycho and continue the fanfic version, so various people can read what they prefer. You could read both if you so choose to :> Okie, that's all for me today. Have a wonderful evening/morning!
Tftf.. Bmf?
More than two pages of one of the stories I was writing deleted itself even though it was saved for over a month and half, and now I'm dead inside *slaps forehead*
Oh so your stuff is just randomly deleting itself too? My notes for Eternal Soul just up and yeeted
The best exercise is walking. Walk away from arguments that lead to anger. Walk away from thoughts that steal your happiness. The more you walk away from things that destroy your soul, the happier your life will be.
I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENTTTTT~~~ Hopefully this actually announces lol I'm putting off I'm Your Psycho (again hehehehehehe) and I'm going to start working on Fade again. I don't want to forget my ideas, and I think I waited long enough to start updated again. After reading through it, I realized there were actually only a few touch-ups/editing I wanted to do specific chapters, so once I'm done with that, I will start writing the plot again. Updates will 100% happen in summer, but I have a handful of exams to prepare for...T-T SO! I hope y'all don't hate me for constantly putting things off, but this is my new plan and imma roll with it *claps hands together* Thank you for your loving support! I'm here to support you all as well if you ever need a friend or someone to read your stories! Summertime will be when I'm most active on Wattpad and reading all of your fanfics again!!! LOVE YOUUUUU ❤️ Stay safe, lovelies~
I'm a day late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIN YOONGI! ❤️
I have an important question. Hopefully this actually announces like I want it to... About I'm Your Psycho, would you guys mind if I posted my original version of the story instead of the fanfic, or would you prefer reading the ff version? When I'm writing, I write in my original copy and edit it to fit the fanfic version. You guys can choose whichever, I don't mind anything, but I was just curious because I had some free time and was writing some more. The story line is exactly the same in both except for the character names, and the original is boy x girl couple instead of boy x boy.
Happy 400+!!!
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