
So it's coming up to my fifth anniversary on Wattpad...that's freaking insane. 
          	So much can happen in five years.
          	In other news, I haven't been on the computer site in a while. What a change, right?


Okay so for those of you that have Facebook and Twitter can you please listen up!?
          Okay, so I recently went on NCS with the challenge (for those of you that don't know what that is, it's basically a three week challenge where you have  a personal challenge with all sports and outdoors and crap, a group challenge where you go on community visits and learn a skill and finally the "real" challenge, where we set up a community campaign.
           My group's is called Hands Out and is a non-profitable campaign where we try and raise awareness of negative and false stereotypes in teenagers and young people. We have all worked really hard and have facts and figures that suggest to us that this is an issue that NEEDS to be spoken about and brought to attention. To do this, there are three things that you can do. 
          1. Much like every recent campaign we have a Facebook page. Just type 'Hands Out NCS' into Facebook and give us a like. All our Facebook likes honestly do make our day. 
          2. We have a twitter. Follow us @HandsOutNCS. This is where we will be posting most of our updates and funny photos. There will also be #HugAHoodie which I will explain over the Facebook and Twitter accounts. 
          3. This, in my opinion, is the most important. If you feel as strongly as we do about our campaign, then share us and promote us. Much as you do when you like or write a story on here, we need promotion and sharing to get numbers and awareness. It will be the o


Hey hey! So this is just a quick reminder that tomorrow morning (before I leave to go out in the morning so it will be pretty early) the first chapter of my new story is going up so please remember to check it out and tell me what you think! It's called The A List and the cover was made by my best friend George so thanks bro I owe you one! So yeah check that out! Right I'm off to go and do some more writing for the bit that I'm up to (most of the chapters are already written, and are not really going to change until I go back and edit) If I don't post a message before monday, stay safe and have a great weekend!x


Hey guys, for everyone here that is currently reading this :) 
          So I have been working on something for a while now and I'm writing and writing and I really like it, but I won't be able to post it until maybe the 14th? As the 13th is the last day of GCSE exams for me :D I honestly could not be happier. I've been in a really good place lately, like mentally and emotionally, and I feel like it's time to get back into this. I would really appreciate it if when it gets here, you could check out my new story! I hope you like it guys :) thanks xxxx


Hell-o, friend-o, *ducks all flying tomatoes, potatoes and babies flying towards my face* I know, I'm a horrible person.
          Life has been throwing a lot my way, and...yeah I'm just lazy when it isn't, you know, throwing things. But yeah. Since January this year I have had a new baby brother, I have been moving house, and I have a demanding family that take up a lot of my time. I have a job that takes a lot of time too, and one that I can rarely get out of if I do at all, just ask people that know me well! But here's the thing- I move next week. It will take a couple of days to settle in. There's the...17th-ish? excluding the 21st(CITY OF BONES RELEASE DATE,GAH!) I am all yours. All my time will be dedicated to writing chapters for a large majority of the stories on here.
          But thanks. I mean it guys, I've been getting lovely private messages from people and they really make me smile-you guys know who you are! It's always great to have positive feedback! Love ya!
          *shameless promotion for le best friend*
          all ob dem. on her page. but mostly Can Lies Last! She's a great person in my life and this is the least I can do for her. She came back off holiday today, and I don't think I've ever been so happy in all my life. @VampireKissForever love you broey xxxx