
Can we just get a few things clear on here. I have only just come back on here after 4 years away from writing... And the absolutely disgusting messages an abuse an comments is just foul. Grow up. I was 14 to 19 writing these books. Some of you all need to remember these aren't real people it's about werewolves for goodness sake like none of these characters ARE REAL.
          	Show some respect. Don't bother reading my books If your going to comment nasty comments.
          	My books are unedited. Yes. They have mistakes.
          	Yes I am currently trying to rewrite the sequels. I'm trying to find my groove into writing again.
          	Many thanks Sophia 


@Sophia2334 Welcome back! Ignore those negative keyboard warriors. Let the delulus stay in their delulu world where they ‘think’ people notice them.
          	  I hope you are getting your writing groove back & having fun!


Have you already started the sequel of the 
          alphas second chance. Can you give me the title.
          I love the story. Please give justice for the suffering of April. I'd like  to see in the sequel ,max n jane also suffered  equally with what April has gone through. Thanks n more power. 
          I finished reading this book in 2days stoping just by taking a wink sleeping. I was so hooked I can practically imagine the action scenes.this is worthy to be immortalized in to a movie.


Please repost the sequel to the Alphas Second Chance!  I just finished it and LOVED everything about it.  I would love to read the sequel. Don’t let trolls get you down, you have people that love your writing and want to read more also, like me!  Please repost it!!


@Sophia2334 I have just finished The Alpha’s Second Chance and I absolutely loved it from start to finish! Don’t let anyone put you down with regard to your writing, they are just pathetic people who like putting people down. I would absolutely love to read the sequel to this book, I’m so excited to see the love story of April and Alexander unfold. I’m going to start reading your other books too! Thank you 


I stumbled upon your book The Alpha's Second Chance. I just couldn't stop reading it. I cried, I got angry, I got twisted inside by the characters, i got emotional. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for taking the time to write. What is the name of the sequal I would love read that. 
          I am off to start some of your other books. I really did enjoy your writing style..... I hope you can continue writing 


@RoselynScott .. Totally agree it was a range of said above... You should reinstate the book people who feel threatened or inadequate always attack others . Please for those of us who crave your writing do not let us suffer because of those who are haters. In the words of First Lady Ellenor Roosevelt" Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Don't give the haters the power over your dreams ❤️


Ok what’s the sequel for the alphas second chance I don’t see it 


@Sophia2334 I hate that people act like this towards you. I loved alphas second chance. I was so excited to read the sequel. 


Never let them get to you girl if they don’t like it just ignore them your stories are great I say F*ck the trolls they don’t control you  


@Rebecca666461 Been deleted sick of being trolled 