
I have a family thing all day today. I was hoping to get Claire’s chapter up this morning, but it always takes me a while to write from her perspective. Hopefully it will be up tonight! 


Where can I read some of your previous works?  Do you have them posted on other sites?  I read on your bio that you focus on forbidden romance and that's my fav.


@SophiaLawrence ma'am you said you wouldn't delete another story...nooooo..and I've been patiently waiting on the update


I used to write them on here, but then deleted them lol. I had one that became really popular and I just panicked and deleted it. I didn’t want anyone I knew, finding it. But I don’t plan on deleting anything, and I will continue to write more stories. I’m just in a bit of a writers block right now. 


I was hoping to have another chapter posted today, but as I’m writing it, I know it’s not my best work. So I want to take the time to make sure that it is. I’m going to leave it for now, and come back to it later. Hopefully it’ll be up today, but most definitely tomorrow. Thanks for being patient ❤️