Updates have been kind of slow for TSTS lately, but hope everyone liked this chapter. More drama to come. Anyhow, I just adopted a 2 year old cat, she's got Feline Leukemia, but she is precious. I've been spending time with her and stopped her from smacking my poor dog in the head for fun. Her name before this was lil mama since she had gotten pregnant, but I named her Lucky. She spent 2 months in that shelter. No one wanted her because of the extra responsibility. That's why the owners had given her up. They kept the kittens, which the disease can get passed onto and gave this little angel away. Their loss. She's perfect. Solid black cat named lucky, ironically funny since black cats get a reputation superstition for being unlucky lol. I dunno, she's brought me a ton of luck - but then again, I'm a redhead and we all know how evil they can be at times, perhaps its a match made in heaven. haha. Though, I digress. I will have chapter 5 soon.I dunno how many people are actually still reading TSTS, but regardless, hope ya'll like the current chapter I just posted.