"The second in which we decide it can't be real is the second in which it becomes impossible." *

One of my mottoes is, 'Never give up hope.' It's a little more than just, 'Never give up' because believing in something that isn't worth believing in... well...

Having hope gives us a sense of purpose.

"The moment we choose to give up and not believe anymore we set ourselves along a gloomy path. Believing that it is possible gives us the drive to move forward and the persistence necessary for success." *

*- author: me_______________________________

My name is Sophia (most people call me Sophie. I like being called Sophie better because it seems very friendly. Annnyyywaaayyy....).

I, along with most of the people on this website, love to write! Writing is a form of art. People blessed with the talent of writing can paint pictures with their words. I love to imagine a scene where someone is touching paper with a pencil and suddenly beautiful colors start to spin out and wrap around everything... ahhh....

By now you could say I'm pretty philosophical. Haha... I promise this stuff only comes out when I'm writing. If you carry on a conversation with me in real life there's a good chance I'll get shy and turn red.

One thing I'm not good at when it comes to writing is these types of profile thingys... So to get out of the awkwardness and "I'm not sure how to talk about myself" situation I'm in right now, I'll list a few quick bullets about me and then be done! (I'm already close to the word limit... -_-)

- I LOVE chameleons!!
- I love to play the piano... <3
- I also sing, play clarinet and bass clarinet and a homemade recorder!
- I insist on learning from every experience.
- I admire people who have made positive differences in our world.

"Believe that you can, with your whole heart. With every breath you take, you're a work of art."
  • Lenexa, Kansas
  • JoinedJune 2, 2012
