
@Sophia_madeleine29 - I'm at a loss for words after finishing the most recent chapter. Though I'm devastated, Derek didn't choose Florence she needed to get her backbone back, just like you mentioned. To put it another way, the OCs would benefit from a little background story now and then making it even more interesting . I am eagerly anticipating the upcoming chapters.


          I adore your book, "We Die in the End," which is why I was pondering about the next update.


@Sophia_madeleine29 - It’s ok ✅ thank you for replying back!! Take the time you need to get back 


Thank you for asking, sorry for answering that late. So, I kind of had a block when it comes to writing this chapter, but I’m thinking that the next update will come in about two weeks maybe a bit later. But thank you very much for asking. 