"B-Babe- I gave the Lullaby characters slugs-"
@IgneousSchwarz "Hypno - Hypnogrif [Past] / Cryptogrif (Ghoul) [Current] Frosty Red - Frostfang (Frostcrawler ghoul) Freakachu - Amperling (Tazerling ghoul) Blake - Frostcrawler PLEASE - Lavalynx Silver - Phosphoro Feralisleep - Thresher Gold - Hexlet AWAY - Quicksalvo (Slicksilver ghoul) MissingNo. - Z3D Buried Alive - Terrarix (Diggrix ghoul) Gengar - Nightgeist Muk - Flatulorhinkus White Hand - Frightgeist (Nightgeist ghoul) Glitchy Red - Xmitter Steven/S!3V3N - Infurnus [Past]/Darkfurnus [Current] (Ghoul) Mike - Aquabeek Beelze - Tempesto (Tormato ghoul) Hell Bell - Geoshard Dawn - Bubbaleone DISABLED - Sirench (Slyren ghoul) Ponyta - Flaringo MX - Transplitter (Xmitter ghoul) Lord X - Goon Doc (Boon Doc ghoul) Alexis - Hoverbug Grey - Enigmo Shinto/Shitno - Lariat Purin - Slyren" "I mean it when I said I was gonna give all of them Slugs-"