
Your first two listed cartoons are Animaniacs and Invader Zim...
          You must be my doppelgänger because that is just freaky. I've never met ANYONE who liked both shows before I met them. I've met only I one person who has even heard of Animaniacs and everyone I mention IZ to only knows about Gir. But you, my friend, hoho you are a different story. We should get along very nicely.


@DarkestHour0fNight hello! I'm glad to meet someone who also likes the shows I do. I'm with you on the only liking GIR thing too. Its one of my biggest peeves when I walk up to someone wearing a GIR shirt and listen to them tell me they've never watched Invader Zim in their life. 
            I hope I don't sound too awkward...I am complete trash when it comes to talking to people for the first time heh heh.