In my last post, I read about how nothing had happened for May. And nothing, also really happened in June but just today, at the beginning of July, I received an email about a job offer that I had applied for in April.
It's crazy how things just turn out to be. I had cried when I got rejected for that position, and then, I was grateful that I did stay in my job because I was thinking it was still the best ward in the entire hospital, and that I was not actually that anxious when I was going to work. But then, just the previous night, I literally was dreaming about work, and I had to google at 3 am what was a normal lab value, and if I had given the right medication.
I have delayed for a couple of hours replying to the message of accepting it but I realize I might let this opportunity slip away, and I would suffer working rotating days and nights for the next months of my life.
I have given up my hopes of going to the USA this year, and I am not excited about going there if I am being honest with myself.
Moving to another country alone and working in a hospital ward again is not appealing even when the salary is 3x what I am earning now.
Of course, there is still a chance to leave the UK but I am going to gamble this one and see how it goes.
My decisions in life are all crazy anyhow, so might as well go full mode and regret it at some point. It's not much big of a deal if I have to think of it because what do I have to consider, I am not packing stuff, I don't have to explain to anyone why I am leaving, I do not need the extra money for the same job, what I want to have right now, is probably a boyfriend, a partner, or a husband. I think that's what I need and then settle down, and go suffer for the next half of my life, or a quarter, if I am lucky to live that long.
This month, I will have to confront life-changing things and I think the exciting part is about to begin. Hooray!