I understand that you don't really like talking to people online, but you sound super awesome! All I wanted to say is that you are just, cool. That's all!
Okay so Unconditionally will be updated tomorrow and Hold On to Me and My Brothers Last Name Is Purdy will be updated on Tuesday. Also if you want to be in one of my upcoming storues then please inbox me.
oh my gods i cannot believe i have been gone for so long. I am so sorry guys for not updating it has been a really hard te and i apologize with all my heart and i will try to get updates this weekend and possibly some new ones
HEY GUYS I'M BACK!! I just wanted to apologize about being away for about a minth. But I will be updating my stories tomorrow and possibly some new ones.
Should I continue my stories or not???? I may start new ones for the new year and forget the old ones but only if none of you comment a response so comment what stroy you want me to continue and I will bur updates will be different
Sorry for not updating any of my stories . I am going through a tough time right now and it is most likely going to get worse with school starting on Monday. I apologize and will update when I can.