
Hey! Just letting y’all know that I’m editing The Curious a bit, so some of the chapter numbering and wording might be different. Especially for the first chapter/prologue, which I like so much better now lol. I’ll also be posting more chapters soon!


Hey! Just letting y’all know that I’m editing The Curious a bit, so some of the chapter numbering and wording might be different. Especially for the first chapter/prologue, which I like so much better now lol. I’ll also be posting more chapters soon!


Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten about Ghost Rider, I have just had a LOT of assignments at school. I promise I’ll get on it as soon as I get some free time, but unfortunately school comes first:/ Love you guys!


Oof, yeah that’s one thing I like about going to school lol


@Sophielynn03 Unfortunately, school always comes first :( Here in Oregon, schools just got closed for 2 weeks because of the Coronavirus. Again unfortunately, I'm homeschooled *extremely sad, pouty face*


Hey! So I would really like to know what to do for the next chapter of Ghost Rider. I asked in the chapter if I should do a Viggo POV or not, but no one replied; so I guess I’m just asking again lol. I really wanna do something different, but I also don’t wanna botch the book by messing it up. PLEASE give me your opinions because I honestly do want them thank you!


@Sophielynn03 I like Tigly's POV. I want to see her get back with Amber soon :)


   Hey, to everyone that actually reads these, I wanted to thank you immensely for the support you guys have shown me throughout the awesome journey that Wattpad has taken me on. Thank you SO MUCH for voting, reading, and commenting! You guys really motivate me to write more, and I’m not just saying that, it honestly does. Especially @Ottocat and AnnieWildfire , who have been there with me since the beginning. I love you guys!!


@AnnieWildfire . I forgot to put the “@“ sign there, so I’m just correcting myself lol.


Almost done with my next chapter, thank you for being so patient! I’m not sure if any of you read the Author’s Notes at the bottom, but I moved to another country, so things have been a bit hectic lately. So I haven’t had a great deal of time to write. However, I try to do some in the little spare time I have, and am almost finished. So bare with me guys! Thank you!


Hey, guys. So I've been kind of discouraged lately, regarding my book, Ghost Rider. I feel as though my story wasn't very well written in the beginning. So I've decided to majorly edit  the beginning of my book, to the standards I think it deserves. I also think that I didn't convey well enough, the severity of Valkaydan training. So there might be extra chapters, however that remains in the air. Some of the chapters may be lengthened a bit too, since the chapters in the beginning were only about 500 words. I hope you guys are ok with all of this, but I really want to write my story the way I visualize it in my head, and it just isn't there yet; so please understand. Thank you so much for your undying support, I love all of you guys!


Yes, exactly.  thanks so much for understanding 


@Sophielynn03 I think that's great! It's always good to go back and change things up in my opinion. It's your world and story that you're creating, so it should be shown and told in the way you want it to be. Even if you have to go back and change some of it.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t updated in a while, but I have a math and science test I need to study for, and unfortunately, writing is not on the top of my to-do list; but I’m really trying! Also, I’ve been writing some poems lately, so you think I should post them, or no?


Alright sweet! I’ll post them some time. Thanks for all your support btw! It means a lot.


@Sophielynn03 You're all good! I understand that there are finals coming up, and education is top priority over writing (as great as it is). Also I'd be interested in hearing your poems if you want to post them!


Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t updated recently, I’ve been SUPER busy with school. I don’t 
          Finish until five or six at night most of the time. But as soon as I get some free time, I’ll try and post another chapter. Thanks for your patience!