
Hello, my Darlings!
          	Hopefully at some point today, I’ll have my next chapter done. 


550 words till I meet the limit I want for chapter 12! It's taken me several months & I have fought through inner conflict & issues I've been harboring. I'm so sorry you've all had to wait for the next installment, but I assure you it will be here in a matter of days, possibly tomorrow. One day, I can fully explain, but for now, I'm going to relish in that this chapter is almost at completion. So many ideas, so little time to get it all ready. 


Hello everyone! I know it's been a while since an update, bear with me. I've been working on some big things with myself & taking some downtime to rejuvenate those wheels in my brain. I suffered writers block for a while, but things are back on track. Pan: The Untold Adventure has hit over 4K views!! You guys are amazing! Share my story. I'm coming back  I've also thought about doing a post showing who I view as my characters! Would anyone be interested in seeing that? Maybe we have some similar muses! I love you guys, thank you for your patience & kind words! ❤️❤️


I hope you all enjoyed chapter 7. I'll be back with chapter 8 sooner than you know! I have a good chunk of it already written, so I'm getting really excited about it. I don't want to give too much away, so stay tuned. 
          Also, I don't know how many people actually read this or will even see this. I just get so excited about writing, especially when I have an opportunity to sit down & write, proofread, & escape for a while. So thank you to anyone who sees this, or reads Pan; The Untold Adventure.
          Much love


Hello, lovelies! I know it's been a while since an update, & I keep promising less time between updates. So, this time I won't make you a promise like that. I do intend on updating as soon as possible, but I'm currently working a full time job & it drains me because I'm constantly at work, so inspiration hardly hits me. Especially when I'm there most of my time. 
          But on to better topics. I only have six chapters up, but I have over 1k views on Pan: The Untold Adventure! Honestly, I NEVER expected that. I have always loved the story & general concept of Peter Pan, Neverland, & strange magic, & I always had my own way of interpreting it. That's why I adore the story. As I got older, I wondered what could happen if both Wendy & Peter aged. So, from those questions, this bloomed.
          Thank you to those who have been enjoying the story & voting, & also to the few who have asked about when my next update will be. It's so thrilling knowing there's people who really like my story.
          I'll update as soon as I can. I hope that won't be too long, but remember, my schedule isn't always friendly to me or my passion, but I'll do my best. I love feedback, fyi. So if you have any questions or comments, feel free to either comment or send me a message! I'll respond as soon as I can.
          With Love
          -C ❣


          I know this update is seriously overdue, but big things have been happening my way. I got a promotion, purchased a car for myself, & generally getting myself together. But my writing is still something very important to me that I do intend to pursue. I don't deserve your patience, but I'm very happy if you have been. & I hope my updates won't have so much time between them. I love you all! ❤️


Currently working on my next chapter. I can't wait to share it with those of you who are reading it. I can't stress enough how grateful I am! It isn't often, but when someone comments or votes or just seeing I have more views on my story, it really gives me a boost of confidence & it makes me so happy. Just a quick thank you. ❤️


Hello!! I know this update is a bit late, but please enjoy! It's starting to get to the point that I'm so excited about writing!! My story is about to take on a couple twists & turns & I can't wait to share. Thanks to the ones on this journey with me. I appreciate any feedback given. Even just knowing I have a couple of dedicated readers really makes me happy.