
I'm thinking of redoing Wishing Well. I feel like I've gotten off track about some of main points I originally had about the story. Don't worry I'll be keeping all characters and some plot points but I'm changing the story line a bit.  I mean to me as I go back and read my own story it's like some chapters don't seem to make a whole lot of sense to me...I'm not sure how to explain it but just be prepared for some major story changes.


I'm thinking of redoing Wishing Well. I feel like I've gotten off track about some of main points I originally had about the story. Don't worry I'll be keeping all characters and some plot points but I'm changing the story line a bit.  I mean to me as I go back and read my own story it's like some chapters don't seem to make a whole lot of sense to me...I'm not sure how to explain it but just be prepared for some major story changes.


Oh so now suddenly when I go back to move my work to my DA account GUESS WHAT'S THERE?! MY STORY!...I don't see how I click on "All works" It wasn't there, I only had four works but then I go back and now I five? Plus on top of that ALL THAT'S THERE IS THE TITLE NOTHING ELSE So NOW I will officially be putting the story on my DA account. It will no longer be published here for the simple reason I HAVE TO RETYPE EVERYTHING SINGLE THING!


Okay forget the short Halloween story cause for some reason WATTPAD KEEPS DELETING MY GODDAM WORK!! I'm really sick of going back and retyping everything...this is the third time I've gone into my works and POOF IT'S GONE! I really wanted to write this story but now I've lost creativity for it and will no longer be doing it here. If You would like to read it I'll be doing it on DeviantArt WHERE I KNOW IT WON'T BE DELETED! And seeing as this keeps happening I'm not even sure I want to continue doing ANY of my stories here for that matter. Who's to say they won't JUST DISAPPEAR like my Halloween short?
          Once I get the first chapter up I will come back and post a link.


With Halloween coming up, I'm thinking of doing a short Victorian Era Halloween short.  I'm researching traditions, culture, and even looking up old Victorian clothing styles. I'm kind of want a authentic feel to the story. LOL I mean making up stuff is fun and all but who doesn't want a little authenticity and historical facts within they're own written work. WISH ME LUCK!