Howdy! If things go according to plan, y'all will need to keep your eyes peeled for several things today and the next few days. So I've decided to publish the first chapter of each of the upcoming CountryCore novels for part three. Consider them teasers for what's to come in the series. This of course doesn't mean I'll be working on them all in tandem, though once part two is finished I will head back to the first book of part three. I'll also be dropping a few new symopsis in my ComingSoon! Catalogue, but it'll take quite a while to get through them all. Anyhow, the bonus chapters will be dropping along with the next chapter of From Osaka to Paris (that's dropping today for sure) very soon, so keep a lookout and happy reading!
P.S. I wanted to thank all of you who wished me well with this cold. I really appreciate it and being given the time to recover more. Y'all are really understanding with my disabilities forcing me into short hiatus on occasion, so thank you so much for that.