Sora: *hates Kait*
Also Sora: *has Kait on background pic*
(I just kept your name private- and I miss calling you Sora ;w;) (But at least now I know that you have a prettier name UwU)
i used to like him when i put that
i think or was it before idk
*monotarou noises*
i need to change that pic
but idk what to put
and i can't find one that fits
(inner me: tiMe tO tRy mAnY sHuUKiCHi PiCS uNTiL yOu FiND oNe tHaT FiTS
also me: nYeH lAtEr)
(lmAo yee i kinda miss being called sora too but i don't mind xD aNd nO sOrA iS pReTTiEr tHaN tHaT uGlY nAmE but tbabks hu uwu)