
Sorry for checking out for, like, a week and a half. I was a bit caught up in winter break things (i.e. getting my driver's license, being lazy, catching up with friends, and seeing Rise of the Guardians at the cinema. Twice. BEST. MOVIE. EVER.) Anywhoo, I hope you had a great [insert holiday pertaining to you] and thanks for sticking with me! I love you! o3o


Sorry for checking out for, like, a week and a half. I was a bit caught up in winter break things (i.e. getting my driver's license, being lazy, catching up with friends, and seeing Rise of the Guardians at the cinema. Twice. BEST. MOVIE. EVER.) Anywhoo, I hope you had a great [insert holiday pertaining to you] and thanks for sticking with me! I love you! o3o