
... Hey all. Sorry I've been inactive. And sorry for always being full of empty promises of a sequel to Anything For You. hahaha...
          	I'm here to say that I'm in the process of rewriting Anything For You. And for once I've actually started and am making great progress. Life has been incredibly crazy. I have been extremely busy with school and I eventually graduated. It's crazy because my first novel Only Us was posted the summer before I started high school and here I am. I've always had a love for Drarry, and these two fanfictions are like my children. I will always have a special place in my heart for them. I have grown a lot, and now I'm a full-time college student, but here I am crawling back to fanfiction yet again. 
          	I won't promise a sequel anymore, but I will say that I want to eventually reach that point. But I did realize I hardly remember the first book and definitely do not remember my plans for the second one. So in re-reading Anything For You, I realized the errors, plotholes, and bad grammar of 2021 Kai. Soooooo I'm going to at least follow through and fix all of the chapters. I will try to keep y'all updated on the progress. And I hope that there are still some followers lurking in the shadows, cheering me on. 
          	Kai - SortaSadWriter <3


... Hey all. Sorry I've been inactive. And sorry for always being full of empty promises of a sequel to Anything For You. hahaha...
          I'm here to say that I'm in the process of rewriting Anything For You. And for once I've actually started and am making great progress. Life has been incredibly crazy. I have been extremely busy with school and I eventually graduated. It's crazy because my first novel Only Us was posted the summer before I started high school and here I am. I've always had a love for Drarry, and these two fanfictions are like my children. I will always have a special place in my heart for them. I have grown a lot, and now I'm a full-time college student, but here I am crawling back to fanfiction yet again. 
          I won't promise a sequel anymore, but I will say that I want to eventually reach that point. But I did realize I hardly remember the first book and definitely do not remember my plans for the second one. So in re-reading Anything For You, I realized the errors, plotholes, and bad grammar of 2021 Kai. Soooooo I'm going to at least follow through and fix all of the chapters. I will try to keep y'all updated on the progress. And I hope that there are still some followers lurking in the shadows, cheering me on. 
          Kai - SortaSadWriter <3


I've decided that I'm going to post a little side book that basically just has little profiles of all the characters because they're a little hard to keep track of all the time, even for me. I might post it early (possibly as early as tonight) just to intro the characters before I release book two itself. 
          I also had a question for you beautiful people: Would you rather I posted the chapters of book two as I finish them (I won't post a bunch on the same day if I finish them all, I'll post them over the span of a few days ofc), or do what I've done in the past (write the entire book and then post the chapters on a schedule)? Let me know lovelies!!
          Lots of Love, 
          SortaSadWriter <3


          I've officially finished outlining and plotting book TWO of Anything For You!!! Writing it underway!! Were looking at approximately 36+ chapters of not only drarry but lots of extra maybe even more queer character, plots, subplots, and lots of drama!!!
          Who's excited?? I know I am!!!
          Lots of Love, 




Hey all!I know I've been gone for quite a while. I wanted to let you know that I do see you all, and I love reading ALL of your sweet comments, and seeing all the support you all give me in general. 
          Tbh I kinda gave up on writing. But I have so many ideas that I just cant put into words!!! And on that note I just came up with an idea: Monday (12-13-2021) marks the two and a half year anniversary of my first fic (Only Us). In commemoration, I wanted to know who would be interested in a collab? I have multiple ideas (whether they were started or just thought about) and anyone who's interested can reply to this and I'll pm details so we can chat!!!
          Let me know if this is something you are interested in, if not that's okay as well! I hope to hear from some of you soon :)
          Lots of Love,
          SortaSadWriter ❤


@Prinxiety25kagehina well because I am already currently working on a project, I wanna focus on that sk I can give it my best rather than only 50% if that makes sense? When I'm dont writing this next one we can chat it out and see what we might wanna do?


@SortaSadWriter okay I know this is VERY late but if you are still doing it I have a few ideas