My mom just sent me a video about an Imam talking about how Allah wouldn't accept disobedient children who disrespect their parents. Let me tell you, I did not ask to be born, you did not ask for my consent and now with my own will, I cannot take my own life? I have never lashed out on her, I have always held back. She was the one who always disrespected me, ABUSED me, PROJECTING HER FEELINGS ON ME. Even after all that, even when I can recognize the HYPROCRISY AND GASLIGHTING, even when I have accepted that she will not change, I still enjoyed the peace and mistook it as change. That she is a better person like she still obliviously hurts me. As if she needs to lash out on me and state her feelings outwardly for me to label her as a bad person. I am tired of always having to explain how I feel, I am tired of always concealing my fear. I don't feel safe anymore, not in this house, not outside, not even in my own mind. I am just so tired and no amount of homework or videos and shows could keep me happy anymore, they feel so temporary. It's getting irritating, my happiness is limited now............... Do I need help?