W-what happened? Veridas? Yoz? CottonCandi? Coffee? What has happened?!
"You turned into some kind of were-object and then we contained you in this special containment chamber."
Coffee, thank you for containing me, who knows what would have happened if I was allowed to roam around free and about. I would have transformed other users into objects as well, and I would have transformed you guys as well.
"No problem, it's just that Yoz had gotten bit by some price tag last night and I don't know what had become of him."
"Veridias is right, we have to act fast and find a cure tonight, do you want to just stay in HQ tonight?"
Yes, Coffee, I would love to stay in here, just in case something like this happens again, I could feel Pen as a part of me... hopefully until you find a cure.
"I understand."
Thank you, Veridas.
"No problem, Soul."